What is Flow? Why would we want to find it?
To me, Flow is the unimpeded movement of Life. It is creativity, openness, and connection. It is a being a yes to whatever is.
This does not mean we don’t have boundaries. Boundaries serve the flowing river of our full, unbridled expression.
This also doesn’t mean that terrible things don’t happen. Life has its own way, momentum, and patterns. As human beings, we are subject to the greater flow around us. But inside of ourselves, we can yield to reality without fighting it. This is our superpower.
As Bruce Lee said:
‘Yielding will overcome anything superior to itself. Its strength is boundless.’
In yielding, there is wisdom. You reserve your energy for creation.
This is not to be mistaken with collapse. Yielding simply means you don’t fight Life. You flow with it.
Water yields. It flows around rocks and over cliffs. It rides the current of Life. It is an expression of the current of Life.
But water also stagnates. When it drifts into eddies, it can become muddied and stale. Like Life Force, it must be channeled appropriately.
When you open to Flow, you begin to release ideas of what should be, and move with what is instead.
Conscious flow requires your active participation. It is upright and alert. It is also soft and yielding.
Flow is a shift from mental-dominance to instinctual knowing and response.
Flow is fully present and alive.
Flow is eternal.
We can witness Flow in nature. Nature is Flow~ The winds, rains, and carving of canyons over millennia. Birds flying on air currents, water burbling over stones.
In Buddhism, there is a term called anicca, which means impermanence. In other words, the only constant is change.
Life is change. Change is Flow.
True Flow requires you to be able to pivot on a moment’s notice. It is being exquisitely attuned to Life. Living in Flow requires you to dethrone your mind and live from your embodied knowing. It invites every cell of your body into quivering, open reception.
When I am in Flow, I am right on the edge. I am open to the way each moment wants to move through me. I am standing in wonder upon the shimmering crest of Eternity.
For three days in December, I am guiding an intimate group of humans through an exploration of Flow. This will be an online offering, and will combine teaching, writing and gentle movement. I warmly invite you to join us. You are welcome in your glory and you are welcome your grief.
Flow is available to everyone. It is your birthright and your nature. Our time together will simply point you in the direction of Flow. For some, this will look like a trickle. For others, it will feel like a gush. I trust the perfection of how the energy wants to move through you.
During this season of generosity, I invite you to join us for just $33.
Our schedule is as follows:
December 18th, 10-11 am, PST
December 19th, 10-11 am, PST
December 20th, 10-11 am, PST
A replay will be available.
To register, click here.
Price goes up to $111 on Friday.
I love this, thank you for expressing it so beautifully.. I feel more flowy just reading it, whether true or not, I feel great..
Hi Sarah! Beautiful description of "flow". I love the idea of viewing flow as eternal. The moment we push situations to happen the way we want them to, they seem to push back. The art of being in a flow state is immensely valuable. Thank you for reminding us of its importance! 🙏🌻