The Sensually Embodied Woman

Welcome to my growing Library of Sacred Sexuality writings and erotica.

Do you feel a call deep within your body?

A hunger that won’t go away?

This is Eros, knocking from the inside. She is the most life-giving, pulsing, dangerous (to your ego) force in the Universe. And She is inviting YOU into an expanded life.

Are you ready?

Subscribe to my Substack, and enter the bountiful garden…

By joining this community, you are stepping into a world of truth, color and vitality.

As a free subscriber, you will receive some of my work.

As a paid subscriber, you will receive all of my work, including my growing collection of raw, intimate and spicy content.

As a Founding subscriber, you will receive all of my work, plus a hand in helping me create new content each month.

What does this mean?

My Founding subscribers will receive a monthly (anonymous) Google Poll that allows us to open up a conversation. I will ask questions that help me understand the ecosystem of your minds, bodies, and hearts, and you can make requests for topics you’d like me to write about. My musings on your questions will be reflected in the following month’s writing.


Once you have chosen your level of subscription, you can participate in any way that is resonant. The more I can feel you, the more I can give. So step into the conversation. Comment and share. In this way, we create a vibrant community of erotically awakened humans.

With love,


Subscribe to The Sensually Embodied Woman

Eros, Spirituality and Sexuality


Human, woman, mother, wife, artist. In eternal co-creation with the Muse 💫